Monday, March 23, 2015

"The Archery Skill": A Houserule for LotFP

Archery Skill
All classes start out with a -1 in Archery, except Fighters who start out with a 0. Any character with skill points to spend can increase their Archery Bonus by +1 for each skill point that they spend in Archery. The Archery Bonus is added to the Ranged Attack Bonus when the character is firing a bow, but is not applied to crossbows, guns, or other ranged attacks. The maximum Archery Bonus is +4. 

Credit Andreas Øverland.
Graphic Design Note
On the character sheet draw a horizontal line underneath the first two pips of the Archery skill. This line represents skills parity: pips beneath the line bring Archery to 0, and pips above the line represent positive bonuses. This makes it easier to calculate the bonus in play, and stops advancement at +4. So one pip = -1, two pips = 0, three pips = +1, so on up to six pips = +4.

Mechanical Notes
Firing a bow is hard. Not only does it take strength and dexterity, it takes a lot of skill to get an arrow to go where you want it to go. Guns changed warfare not because they were more effective than bows (they were less effective for a very long time), but because it's so much easier to train someone to use a gun. Put it in their hand, show them how to point and shoot and how to reload, and they're good to go.

The Archery skill has the benefit of making guns and crossbows more valuable to the players. I've had people ask me why they'd want guns or crossbows when they don't do more damage, have penalties to reloading time, and are more expensive to boot. Now the tradeoff is clear: you buy a crossbow or gun because you are more likely to hit with it.

In addition, with the Archery skill, a "ranger-type" Specialist becomes more feasible. Specialists are now the only class other than the Fighter that can possibly get better at fighting, but the way in which they get better is very tightly constrained.

Fighters start out with a 0 in Archery because it is assumed that their weapons training includes basic training with bows. If your game allows Elves, then they should start at 0 as well. My Amazon Rivercrawl game allows Native American characters to also start at 0, for thematic reasons. You should do the same with any homebrew classes that it makes thematic sense for.

Playtest Notes
Overall, I was very happy with how this houserule ended up in play. It didn't add much more power to the party as a whole, but it did differentiate the classes and offered some interesting tactics.

I liked the range that this brings to the Specialist a lot, and found more players attracted to this often overlooked class. I also liked that it helped make the tradeoff between bows and mechanical projectile weapons more intuitive.

The one thing to note is that when Sneak Attack and Archery stack, it can often lead to nearly guaranteed one-hit kills of even 3HD creatures. I wouldn't allow anything other than the very first arrow fired from a completely hidden location count for Sneak Attack. Once a single arrow is loosed the enemy knows an enemy exists even if they're under cover, so the whole party is considered no longer sneaking.

I had added both this and another skill (Boating) to the skill list, so I gave Specialists 5 skill points at character generation. Having 12 skills and 5 points allowed the Specialists to differentiate from each other better than I've seen in other games. In the future though, I'll add the restriction that first-level players cannot be at 6 pips in any skill.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"Helping", a Houserule for LotFP Skills

The Rule
One player's character can attempt to help another's at a skill test. To do this, the helping player rolls a d4 on their skill. If they succeed by rolling at or under their skill, then the helped player gets +1 pip for their skill roll.

However, if the helping player rolls a 4, they must check their skill on a d4 again. If they fail the second check, the helped player immediately suffers a catastrophic failure caused by the ineptitude of the helper.

Once one player has make a skill check to attempt something, no other player can make a skill check to attempt that same thing. Either help out, or accept that you've used your one chance to use the rules to get something done for you, and you'll have to come up with more creative solutions if you fail.

Players with a 5 or a 6 in a skill don't need to roll to help, they automatically give +1 pip in help.

Players with 4 pips in a skill cause a catastrophic failure on double-4's, and otherwise successfully help.

If the helped player's skill moves beyond 5 pips due to help, they roll another d6 for each additional pip beyond 5, and only fail if they receive 6s on all the dice that they roll. 2d6 at 6 pips, 3d6 at 7 pips, etc.

Catastrophic failures are context-dependent and up to the GM. On a "bushcraft" roll this might mean an immediate random encounter roll, on a "language" roll it might mean a hostile misinterpretation. The general rule is that more or less the opposite of what the players wanted to happen, will happen.

Multiple players can help if it makes sense in-game, but a single catastrophic failure means doom for the attempt. Roll all the help rolls together first.

Helping characters must have the same or fewer pips as the helped character.

NPCs, retainers, etc., cannot help or be helped by these rules, even if they have skill points. The exception is henchmen, who can help or be helped only by their corresponding PC.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What's up with that random Amazonian village?

Village size (1d20):
1d20 x 5 dwellings, except on rolls of a 1. Then, 2d20 x 10 dwellings.

Dwellings are (2d4):
2. Treehouses
3. Floating on the river
4. Grass huts on stilts
5. Wooden, set back from the water on a high bank
6. Wooden, abandoned during floods
7. Buoyant grass huts, so they float during floods
8. Watertight with rooftop entrances

Wealth (2d4):

2. Great 3-5. Healthy 6. Hard 7. Sickly 8. Starving
Food d6 rations / dwelling d4 rations / dwelling d2 rations / dwelling d4 rations / dwelling d2-1 rations / dwelling
Warriors +5% +0 -5% -10% -15%
Decoration Silver, rare woods Animal pelts Grass, wood Grass, wood Decrepit

Average 4 people per dwelling.
15% 1-lvl fighters
1% 3-lvl fighters
1% 2-lvl magic users
0.1% 5-lvl magic user
75% women/children/elderly
The rest are 0-lvl fighters.

Contacted before (1d8):
1. Yes
2-8. No

Weapon types (1d8, 1d4):

Warriors wield:
1. Spears (d6, thrown or melee)
2. Atlatl and dart (d8 thrown)
3. Bow + arrow (d6 distance, 1 in 12 poisoned)
4. Clubs (d4 melee, d6 if sharktooth)
5. Poison blowdarts (-2 to hit, save vs. poison or fall ill)
6. Net + spear (save vs. paralyze or get trapped and stabbed)
7. Trickery
8. Roll 2d6.

Made of:
1. Wood
2. Sharktooth
3. Bone
4. Stone

Reaction Roll (1d4):
Word of the party travels more quickly than they do. For each of the last two encountered villages, apply a modifier of -1, 0, or +1 to this roll based on whether the encounter ended as hostile, neutral, or friendly.

-1. Hostile (active)
0. Hostile (active)
1. Hostile (passive)
2. Standoffish
3. Cautious
4. Curious
5. Friendly
6. Friendly

Encounters (d12):
Roll on this table if the party is able to land. Whether they land in peace or in the fray will determine how it plays out. Once an encounter is rolled, cross it out and add the next down on the list in its place. Or just roll d20 and accept that you'll get repeats.

1. Young girl wants to be taken away.
2. "Christians? Oh yeah, we got some of them, funny looking guys who live about 50 miles inland."
3. Giant turtle farms.
4. Giant tree trunk with map of the area carved on it. At least one point of major interest. Vassal village of the "amazons".
5. Shaman warriors. Every two turns the shaman go uninjured, everyone in the party must save vs. magic or suffer -2 to hit for d6 rounds.
6. The leaders wear gold jewelry. Total 2d100 GP worth of gold jewelry and decorations in the village.
7. Temple with prayer idols made from brilliantly colored sewn feathers. The temple itself is made from two kinds of wood, one perfectly white and one perfectly black.
8. Weapons storeroom. Sharktooth clubs, atlatls, manatee skin shields, etc..
9. Chief owns a diary from a fallen conquistador from Pizarro's trip.
10. As a protest against colonial rule, a monkey has been appointed chief.
11. Someone stole their writing, and they want it back.
12. They're in the middle of a potlatch, players can join if they bring gifts. Treat as per carousing rules.
13. Ambush! 2d8 1-lvl fighters lead by 1 3-lvl fighter.
14. Beautiful pottery with lifelike figures painted on it.
15. Everyone wears silver jewelry. 10 SP worth of silver jewelry per person in the village.
16. A freshly killed tapir rests in the town square. ~100 rations worth of meat, ~50 of offal.
17. Players are offered a gourd of yajé.
18. The indians plan on capturing and enslaving the characters in order to harvest their knowledge of metallurgy.
19. The village is having major skirmishes with some villages further inland.
20. The villages need some sacred item buried with Esur the Red but it's taboo for any of them to set foot in the burial mound.
21. The village is in shock as one of its lost children just returned telling tales of the Pale Lady.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Bronze Shiva

This is a three inch high bronze statue of a young man with three closed eyes sitting in lotus position, a snake coiled around his neck. Some well-traveled PCs might know that this is a depiction of the Hindu god Shiva. Shiva is the god of death and rebirth, of balance and transformation brought about by destruction. Detect Evil shows nothing evil about the statue (it is a holy relic), but detect magic works and even gives the player a hint about how to use it.

Any sentient creature can use the statue as a yogic meditation focus. When focusing on the statue and stilling the mind, they will regain one hit point every 30 minutes, for up to their level in hit points. Alternatively, someone magically inclined who focuses on the statue while preparing spells will take only half the normal time to do so.

If someone focuses on the statue after it has already been used that day, then those who previously used it lose their effects. Hit points are reduced, spells are dispelled, and where possible the rolled effect is transferred to the new beneficiary. If multiple people meditate on it at the same time, then only the one who mediates the longest receives any benefit or effect. The exception to this is when a Cleric of Shiva is leading the meditation process—then all receive the full benefits of the meditation, but the GM should roll on the effects table separately for each participant.

If a Cleric of any other god blasphemes by meditating on the statue in order to prepare their spells more quickly, they will immediately lose favor with their old god and become a Cleric of Shiva. It's a good idea to prepare a new list of spells focused on destruction and re-creation for this eventuality. Feel free to use some Magic User spells, but remember that Shiva and his clerics stand for Law, not Chaos. It just happens to be the law of Entropy. 

Each time the statue is used, the GM should surreptitiously roll a d100 on the table below and play out the effect as makes most sense. The purpose of these effects is to add some of the destructive transformation that Shiva represents to the campaign. While a character might receive an immediate bonus from the use of the statue, it is only by causing the entropy of the world around them to increase to preserve balance.

As a GM, do not give your players reasons to associate these effects with the statue. Each should have a normal cause in-game, even if it means ret-conning, fudging, or changing plans. Does a wound not heal? Then that must have been a magic sword. Are the bees going to attack? Wait until the next encounter check and fudge the roll. Did their house burn down? They won't find out about it until they go back or a hireling seeks them out. 

Once an effect is rolled, scratch it out and add something new. 

1-74: Nothing happens.
75: The next time the character wants something from an NPC, no matter how well they negotiate or roll the answer is "no".
76: The next time initiative is rolled, increase the hit dice of all the creatures the players are fighting by 1.
77: Before the end of the day it will begin raining. If it is below freezing where the characters are, it will not fall as snow, but rather ice rain.
78: The next time it thunders, lightening will strike the most heavily armored character in the party.
79: The character's closest relative just died.
80: The character's house just caught fire.
81: From the next blow to the head, the character will develop prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces) for 5 days.
82: The next time the character takes damage, they permanently lose that damage from their total hit points.
83: The character is unable to close their next wound without magical healing.
84: One of the character's hirelings (or close contacts) will sever all ties and never speak to the character again.
85: The next time the character is outside for more than an hour, they will be attacked by a swarm of bees.
86: If the character is a magic user, they mysteriously gain the summon spell the next time they prepare spells en lieu of one of their first level spells. It will continue to take a first level slot until it is used. If the character is not a magic user, then at some point today they are going to step in some poo.
87: The next time the character levels up, they do not gain a new hit die. 
88: Alcohol no longer gets the character drunk. It is still a poison, however.
89: The character's hair will permanently turn grey over the next month. Any attempts to dye it will result in it falling out.
90: The character develops stage fright and must save vs. paralysis to speak in the presence of more than 15 people. Public places and fights included. This lasts 6 sessions or until leveling up, whichever is longer. 
91: Horses absolutely refuse to be ridden by the character. Donkey's don't mind.
92: With the next blow to the head, the character loses the ability to read for 5 days.
93: The next time the sun sets, it will not rise for another 29 hours. 
94: The next time the character attempts a disguise, a childhood friend will recognize them at an inopportune time and attempt friendly discourse.
95: The character will receive a vision of love and aid from a dead love one.
96: The character gains one hit point to their total the next time they accept magical healing.
97: A lost item or pet unexpectedly and happily returns.
98: The next time the character negotiates when selling items, they will receive 25% more than the expected amount. This counts towards XP.
99: The next three days are beautiful weather.
00: The statue is lost and will not be found again.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Secret Santicore Reference: "Places"

Here's my final installment of the Secret Santicore table of contents. You can find it all together, with added information, in this viewable google spreadsheet.

James has posted the Adventures table on his blog, and will be bringing us all Monsters soon.

Trollheim2-3A city inhabited by a Dark Dwarf and his followers. Description and lore type text, + monster statblocks and some NPCs. A sort of arcane lovecraftian architectural horror city.
Fort Delierium4-5A keyed map of a walled fort and surrounding small village. Map itself is perfectly detailed, the keys offer the most bare of building names. Will require some GM work, but the right kind of GM work.
Across the Mountains6-8Notes on several cultures "across the mountains" from your current campaign location. Includes rules for gunpowder, special spells for the location, setting lore, and more. A mini-campaign setting.
The Portal Collector9-12Various pieces of fine art that also act as extra-dimensional portals. Their function is related to their form. Includes a dice drop table where you drop dice on one of the pieces of art, an included collage.
Fantasy Shoppes13-14d20 table of shops you might find in a fantasy city. Includes info on shopkeeper, how they are, what they do.
The Other Side of Mirrors15-16Rules for entering the other side of a mirror. Includes a spell, "Window Walk", and what to do with Vampires and mirrors that face each other. Behind the mirror is the world of the ID and Ego, those animal instincts that bubble up to our minds in our fantasies.
Zero-G Encounter17A zero-g encounter / room in a Wizard Tower. Added rules for combat make it more tricksy than usual. Hilarious description text.
The Cosmic Sinkhole18A neat little encounter created when the room the players are in phases in / overlaps with a giant ant colony, and the only way out is to let the pupea they face kill them.
Just Another Town19-21Three d20 tables for generating an interesting happening at any given random village, as well as an NPC who can introduct the players to that happening.
Welcome to Fantasy Islands22-24Tables and worldbuilding information to help you build islands quickly. Includes a random encounters table for each island type.
Interstellar Discoveries25-27d17 (?) table of random encounters on uncharted planets. What happens when your spaceship lands?
The Plurality of Hives28-29Description of a multi-dimensional portalway ruled by sentient insects who allow traveling caravans to trade between the plans. Each doorway enters a different RPG system.
Drawing: Dank and Slimy Location30A great ink drawing of an adventurer being killed by some slimy slime in some dark underground dungeon cavern.
Prisons on the Vegland Borders31-35Rules for creating and stocking prisons of vegetable people. Since veggiefolk don't exist in any OSR RPG, there are also rules for creating and running them and how they should interact with animalfolk.
Orobor36-40Rules for running a 7-roomed, 7-inhabitanted extraplanar dungeon thing. Reading it is better than me trying to sum it up in any way, so go do that.
Wilderness Area Trap Generator41-43Tables and rules for creating and running both hunting and defensive traps in wilderness areas.
Jessup's Tree44This is one of the best secret santicore instructions I've ever read, and the entry lives up to the ask. A description of a tree that has seen so many lynchings that it wants more, and is corrupting a nearby village so that it can feed on more hanged souls.
Turtle Monestary45What appears to be a monestary built into the shell of a giant three-headed turtle. Sadly, the image is a little washed out so it's hard to see too much detail.
Citadel of the Goblimites 46Detailed isometric one-page dungeon style map. Includes various rooms with adventure suggestions in the name. Map = detailed, descriptions = sparse, perfect combo.
All the Greats on Your Favorite Station47-49Two space stations for a Star Wars-esque getting, both with a fantasy/horror vibe. One is keyed and mapped as a node map, the other is pure description. Both are clever and would make a good session of play.
The Taking Trap50A trap inspired by "The Giving Tree". You befriend a creature who gets you out of a deadly trap, but then asks a little bit too much in return.

Secret Santicore Reference: "Things"

And so is finished the table of contents for the "Things" Secret Santicore 2014 PDF.

There were a tonne of great rules and systems in here. "Diseases and Cures" is definitely finding its way into my Rivercrawl game, and "Gear and Careers" is just going to be my new normal for "defining player gear at chargen".

When the Monster is the Treasure2-3Rules for harvesting parts from monsters/animals. Tables for what you get, what they do, what it's worth, etc..
Things Found in an Abandoned Hospital or Asylum4-5A d66 (or 11d6?) list of things found in a modern abandoned medical facility. Each item comes with a modifier to make it work for a horror or medieval game.
An Arsenal and Armoury Pertaining to the Shed and Stolen Nails of Giants, Giantesses, and Giant Brood6-7A listing of items created from the use of the finger and toe nails of Giants. Arrayed in several tables depending on if found wild or as spoils of war. All pretty nasty in a body-horror type way, but also useful if you're OK with the nasty. Includes rules for several weird diseases you can catch from using the objects.
What is That up There, My Lord?8-9Four d10 tables that can be used to generate a "Buck Rogers-type" spaceship, including the craft, the pilots, the weaponry, and its mission.
Deep Dungeon Transports10-14Discussion of the viability of various types of non-magical transport options in the deep underdark. Breaks the general problem into more specific instances, describes ways of solving each instance. Includes putting something in the belly of a Purple Worm, getting transport across the deep underground sea, and using Beholders to carve out large tunnels.
Black Magic Alphabet15-16d26 alphabet tables for generating tomes of black magic, including their name and what's contained inside them.
The Alchemist Store17-18Eight d6 tables for generating an alchemist's store, including items in the shop, other customers, the owner, etc.
Games of Irradiated Wastelands19Five short descriptions of games played by peoples in a post-apocalyptic setting. Gonzo/silly in the best way.
Dangerous Technology for Stupid People20-28100(?) dangerous technology items, such as the Fez of Protection, the Soup Bowl of Death, and a Spinning Bow Tie that knocks down missile attacks. Great fun list.
The Seven Vestments of Sutoyar the Mad29-32Seven magical clothing items enchanted by a mad historical figure. Each has advantages and disadvantages when worn, as well as a magical and mundane history.
Amulet of Flawed Majesty33-35A magic item which gives the character a permanent +1 to Charisma and the occasional +6 to charisma and random super power, but at the cost of the characters' soul.
12 Wizard Hats36-38Twelve wizard hats, each with an image and a description, each of which offers certain advantages and disadvantages in play.
Alien Bionics39-43A d20 list of alien bionics with descriptions on how to use each. These are fairly serious scifi technomagic items, and rules are provided for using each one in play including advantages and disadvantages.
Thirteen Tomes44-45A list of 13 magical books, each with a paragraph description detailing what they do. Any would make great loot in a D&D campaign.
Random Effects for Eating Mushrooms or Other Bizarre Foods46-49d100 table of effects from eating weird, dangerous, rotten, unknown, etc foodstuffs. Most are short and fun in play, offering more flavor than mechanical (dis)advantage, although mechanics are there.
Magic Cutlery50-51Backstory and a list of 15 magical eating implements. Can be left in a wizard's tower, a magical school, etc.. The effects tend to be small but useful in a dining setting. I'm sure players can find a way to make them useful for killing things and taking their loot.
The Five Blades of the Dead Titan52-54Five magical, sentient swords, each with different magical abilities that they grant their users, but also each has its own goals and will attempt to take over the character to achieve those goals.
Clerical Spells55-57A number of clerical spells for three different deities: The Builder (Structure and Self), the Lady (Blessing and Light), and the Shipbuilder (Sails and Storms). Excellent list to help add flavor to different types of clerics.
Organizational Events for a Fantasy City58-61A d100 table of events that might happen in a fantasy city that pertain to its management and government. Often will affect a party of PCs, lead to adventure hooks, etc.. Great way to make the city feel alive and bureaucratic.
Gear and Careers62-64A method for determining starting gear of a newly rolled character that doesn't involve buying it. The character will get different gear depending on their ability scores and their class. Low scores don't get bad gear, just different gear. Really neat, versatile, and fast system.
Accessories of Exacerbating Transformation65Three magical clothing items that in some way transform their wearer. Switch mental/physical attributes, mutate them, etc..
Plastic Model Spaceships66-67Tables for quickly rolling up Gonzo Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy style spaceships of varying size and functionality. Comes with illustrations, is both hilarious and functional.
Magical Medical Marvels68-72Various items, spells, NPCs, and adventure hooks, all of questionable healing power. Oh, they'll heal you all right, but they'll also grow you weird limbs you didn't know you wanted (and probably didn't).
Uncommon Skills of the Second Age of Adventuring73-74A list of narrow skills / non-weapon proficiencies for your Old School game. All are helpful, most are a little funny too. Great way to round out a skill or feat list.
Random Potion Effects75d20 effects a random potion might have. Some are gross and deadly, some are useful, and some are window dressing. Given the context of "Wizard creates these, force feeds them to prisoners to see what's up", that's a pretty good mix.
Quick and Dirty B/X Vehicle Rules for Science Fantasy or Sci-Fi76-77Really quick and easy to use rules for deteriming the speed, handling, cargo load, etc of random vehicles in play.
Strange and Terrible Artifacts from the Bleak78-79d19 magical scifi artifacts. The short descriptions leave a lot to the GM to decide, but give some great flavor text.
Diseases and Cures80-83Two d20 tables. The first is long descriptions and rules for various diseases that a character might catch. Some might even appear to be helpful on the surface. The second is a d20 list of "rumors of cures", which do a good job of suggesting adventures for the player to go on to get cured.
Galdr Rune Magic84-87A totally new magic system + class for DnD-type games. Uses runes, which can be either invoked by speaking them or inscribed on something. Different effects come about depending on how they're used.
Tapestries, Murals, and Mosaics88-89Various wall decorations. Mostly flavor, no real mechanical effects. Really great flavor.
Mundane Magic90-9430 items whose magic focuses on day to day life, rather than adventuring or combat. Magic as daily technology, if you will. Great list.
Wizard Treasure95-97Tables detailing wizard loot! This is what Seclusium of Orphone should have been. Great system that emergently allows for having more, and more rare, loot for higher level wizards.
Yuletide Playbook for Dungeon World98-100Moves, monsters, and more for your Christmas-themed Dungeon World game.
Items that Grow with the Characters101-102Six whimsical magic items that grow more powerful as the character who is wielding them levels up.
The whole table of contents can be found in our handy-dandy Google Spreadsheet link:

Secret Santicore Reference: "People"

A table of contents of the "people" PDF for this year's Secret Santicore

Flower Devils vs. Silk Demons2-4Two "meta-organizations", decentralized occult alliances that are somewhat at odds with each other. Each organization has several abilities, flaws, items, etc associated with it. Gives rules on generating NPCs of each organization. Describes how they interact with each other, and gives a timeline of events that are happening in the background of the campaign world.
The Order of the Machine5A "meta-organization" for Fate games. Occult group that worships AI. Gives several NPC templates for high-level occultists.
The Eternally Young6-7Description of an early modern herbal health company/cult. Ideas on how to use this in a campaign. Includes stat block for "Grace Meeks, Undead Beauty Guru" and an alien/god thing which is using the company to its own ends.
The Death Cult8-9Description of a death cult. Details its founding and evolution into several states. Includes punishment for those found worshiping death: eternal life.
The Secret Cults and Guilds of the Desert Kingdoms10-14d30 Cults and Guilds for a desert setting. Each gets a long paragraph description. Laid out to be easy to roll on.
Horror Barbarians15-16Three horror/weird-themed barbarian tribes. Description, flavor text, and some campaign tie-ins.
Interplanetary Pirate Ragamuffins17Seven NPCs biographies. Each a sort of pirate ragamuffin. Given 4e classes but no other stats.
Garden Sports Oriented Combat and Dungeonering Moves18-19Moves built for Dungeon World that are all focused on some form of garden sport. Also gives a list of moves for Robot Characters ("Danger, Will Robinson") and Mi-Go Characters ("Wretched Humans").
What Does This NPC Do in His / Her / Its Spare Time?20-23Various tables to roll on to deterimine the hobbies, activities, and abilities of general NPCs.
30 Reaons not to Murder NPCs24-25d30 table of reasons a party might not want to randomly murder a given NPC.
Rival NPCs26-28An essay on the nature of what makes a good "nemisis" or "big baddy" in play, how to build them up and get the players invested while still leaving them agency, etc.. Includes several nemises of different form from the author's own game (statted for 3.5 from what I can tell?).
The Lonely Heir 29-33A fully-statted class for Dungeon Crawl Classics that is modeled after the typical Lovecraftian protagonist: a lonely pampered young man who falls into something greater than himself, which slowly destroys him.
d12 Sorceror-Queen Generation Table34-35Seven d12 tables that, when rolled on together, generate a playable Sorceror-Queen.
Super Powers in D&D Type Fantasy36-40Various tables and rules for generating and playing D&D characters who have super powers. Presented as "things to do after usual chargen".
Table of Adventuring Parties41-46d10 table of adventuring parties, each with a short back-story and multiple fully-statted NPCs for LotFP.
Four Monastic Orders47-50Descriptive text + rules for 4 different monastic orders, including a 5e "path" for each one. Includes schisms and relationships amongst the orders.
NPC Faction Cartomancy51-52Rules for using playing cards to build various types of NPC factions—whether nations, guilds, etc.. Describes how to lay out the cards and what different types of cards mean in context. Elegant and fast. Includes examples.
People53-57d100 tables for generating NPCs to be found at a market quickly. Includes name, business at the bazzar, and a secret for each.
Three Robbable NPCs58-60Descriptive text of three rich/robbable NPCs, what they have, and how they hide/guard it. Each scenario could lead to muliple sessions of play.
The Hunted—A Gonzo Racial Class for OSR Games61-64Instructions for building a racial class of forrest-dwelling giants for your OSR system of choice. Includes descriptive text of their culture, rules for their special abilities, and how to generate the class regardless of your system.
Rats!65A picture of a party lowering one of their own on a rope into a well, while giant rats at the bottom scramble for his delicious flesh.

More information and references for other PDFs is / will be available in this spreadsheet.